Want to start boxing training but wondering, what size boxing gloves should I get? We've broken down how to choose the right pair of gloves for your punching bag workouts.
How Heavy Are Boxing Gloves?
Generally, the difference in boxing glove weight is the cushioning for your fist. Boxing glove sizes are actually measured by weight, using ounces, not size. The standard boxing glove weights are 12, 14, and 16 ounces. The number of ounces refers to the weight of each glove, which indicates how much padding remains between your hand and the opponent (or the punching bag). Generally, a lighter boxing glove is more well-suited for practice, while a heavier glove is better for fighting or sparring.
How Many Ounces Should My Boxing Gloves Be?
The ideal weight of your boxing gloves depends on your size and on the type of boxing you intend to do. Men and women should choose their boxing gloves oz based on weight class, not gender or sex. Here is some basic sizing information based on boxer weight class:
On the heavy bag:
Under 100 lbs (including children): 6-8 oz boxing gloves
100-125 lbs: 10 oz boxing gloves
125-150 lbs: 12 oz boxing gloves
150-175 lbs: 14 oz boxing gloves
175+ lbs: 16 oz boxing gloves
In a spar or fight, boxers should go up one size (2 ounces) to ensure safety and comfort while boxing. For a good versatile all-around glove size, or if you’re not sure whether you will be fighting or just working out on a punching bag, choose a 12 or 14 ounce glove to get started.
You can also choose a glove size based on your training goals. Since a heavier glove weighs more, it requires more effort to lift your hands and punch the bag. If you are working on strengthening your muscles and building endurance, try sizing up to train with a heavier glove. If you are working on building speed, try sizing down to increase your output. Professional boxers have several pairs of boxing gloves, and change glove size based on their goals. For more on this, watch the video below that talks about how different glove sizes impact training goals.
For more information on how to choose the best boxing gloves for beginners, read this article (Boxing Glove Guide For Beginners).
Does a Heavier Glove Hit Harder?
No. A heavier glove does not hit harder, nor does it hurt the opponent more. Choosing a heavier glove is more about ensuring the safety of you and your partner than about inflicting damage on an opponent.
Heavier gloves have more padding, designed to better soften the blow of a hard hit as you leverage your body weight into a punch. To hit harder, work on improving your technique - not sizing up your gloves.
Train Like a Fighter
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