FightCamp is proud to support jobs and commerce right here in the USA, and we’re even more ecstatic that our locally sourced and shipped products make our at-home boxing and kickboxing gym even more accessible to customers across the nation.
Fortunately, the FightCamp punching bag is one item that isn’t going to get stuck on some cargo ship floating offshore waiting to come to port! FightCamp’s signature free-standing heavy bag is proudly made in the USA in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Equipment packages and orders are packed and shipped directly from a regional warehouse to your door–all ready to take on all your built-up stress from the fiascoes of these last two years.
What makes the FightCamp punching bag so special?
The FightCamp heavy bag isn’t just special because of where it’s made, it is also special because of how it is made.
Free-standing punching bags have a reputation for being unstable, too soft or too firm, and constructed of poor-quality materials. This is where FightCamp essentially pioneered a new generation of free-standing bags with pro fighters in mind that is also easy enough for beginners to set up and use.
The FightCamp bag stands out among the rest because it features:
Premium Materials
High-quality materials mean this bag is extremely durable with the ideal amount of resistance for maximum shock absorption
Balanced Design
A longer, two-part stem paired with a hook-and-loop tension lock that secures the bag to the base provides greater balance
Heavier Base
The base of the FightCamp bag has a larger capacity than most, allowing for more weight to be added to increase stability
Taller Profile
Regardless of your height, you will find no shortage of surface area for hitting and kicking
No-Skid Puzzle Mat
A thick rubber gym mat with adjustable sizing options keeps the bag, and your feet, from slipping during your boxing or kickboxing workout
Unique Bag Ring
FightCamp’s one-of-a-kind bag ring adds an extra element of stability against any potential sliding during intense training
The Takeaway
Although we may be living with the shipping crisis for the foreseeable future, there are certain must-have items that you can still get without delay. The FightCamp free-standing punching bag is the hallmark of the FightCamp equipment package, designed with love to be one of the finest heavy bags on the market – and it’s proudly made right here in the USA.
With everyone under increased stress in these uncertain times, setting up an at-home boxing gym may be the best thing you can do for yourself and the whole family. Improve your health and your mindset with the FightCamp at-home boxing program, and feel confident knowing that you won’t be waiting for months on end for your bag to arrive!