Bonus - Total Body Workout
If you have only 15 minutes and want to fit in a killer at home boxing workout, THIS IS IT!
How Can I Do Boxing At Home Without Equipment?
In this boxing workout at home, FightCamp Trainer Coach PJ will take you through 4 rounds of high intensity interval training with punch combinations and a variety of core exercises including boxer’s twist, flutter kicks, and sit ups.
How Can A Beginner Start Boxing At Home?
All you need is time and space to simply get started on your boxing fitness journey. Don’t worry, if you’re just a beginner boxer and you don't have a punching bag or boxing gloves, you can just shadowbox along with Coach PJ and still get a great boxing training workout at home.
Boxing is a great workout because it will get your heart rate up quickly ensuring you’re burning those calories, plus it’s tons of fun! You can stream this full length workout for free on YouTube.
Let’s start with a quick warm-up.
Warm-Up (2 minutes)
Torso Twist (30 seconds)
Twist from left to right, from the foot to the knee to the hip, and all the way up
Twist Punch (30 seconds)
Complete a torso twist with an added punch on each side
Imaginary Jump Rope (30 seconds)
Twist your wrists gently while jumping up and down, just like you would if you were jumping rope
Point To The Stars (30 seconds)
Just like the torso twist, but this time, swing both of your hands up to the "stars" (ceiling) as you alternate sides
After the warm up, complete each of the following 3-minute rounds with a 1 minute rest in between. With the FightCamp trackers, you’ll be able to count your punches and work towards hitting the punch goal for each round.
Round 1 (3 minutes)
Jabs | 1 (30 seconds)
Throw six straight jab punches
Repeat for 30 seconds
Jab - Jab - Cross | 1 - 1 - 2 (30 seconds)
Throw two left jab punches
Throw a right cross punch
Repeat for 30 seconds
Jab - Jab - Rear Step - Rear Hook | 1 - 1 - Rear Step - 4 (30 seconds)
Throw two jab punches (left, right)
Step to your rear side
Throw a rear hook
Repeat for 30 seconds
Rest (1 minute)
Round 2 (3 minutes)
Jab - Jab - Jab - Cross | 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 (30 seconds)
Throw three quick jabs
Follow with a cross punch
Repeat for 30 seconds
Lead Uppercut - Rear Uppercut - Lead Hook - Lead Hook | 5 - 6 - 3 - 3 (30 seconds)
Start with a lead uppercut punch
Follow with a rear uppercut
Finish the punch combination with two lead hooks
Repeat for 30 seconds
Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross + 2 Jumping Jacks | 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 + 2 Jumping Jacks (1 minute)
Throw two quick jab - cross (1 - 2) punch combinations
Follow with two successive jumping jacks
Reset and repeat for 1 minute
Jab - Cross - Lead Hook - Lead Hook + Squat | 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 + Squat (30 seconds)
Throw four quick punches (jab - cross - lead hook - lead hook)
Repeat for 30 seconds
Rest (1 minute)
Round 3 (3 minutes)
Jab - Cross Coast | 1 - 2 Coast (30 seconds)
Alternate jab - cross (1 - 2) punches nonstop for 30 seconds
Power Coast Hooks (30 seconds)
Alternate lead and rear hooks nonstop for 30 seconds
Jab - Cross - Lead Hook - Roll - Roll | 1 - 2 - Roll - Roll (30 seconds)
Throw a jab followed by a cross and lead hook
Roll twice
Repeat for 30 seconds
Rest (1 minute)
Round 4 (3 minutes)
Boxer's Twist (30 seconds)
Sit on the floor with your legs bent at a 45-degree angle and your feet planted on the floor
Twist left to right
Continue for 30 seconds
For an added challenge, lift your feet off the ground and balance.
Flutter Kicks (30 seconds)
Lay down on the ground
Lift your legs and kick up and down as if you were swimming
Make sure that your legs don't touch the ground
Continue for 30 seconds
Sit-Ups (30 seconds)
Do as many sit-ups as you can in 30 seconds
Burn Out Punches (30 seconds)
Stand up in your boxer's stance
Throw as many punches as you can in a burnout round
Give it all you got -- the faster the better!
Power Coast (1 minute)
Throw whatever punch combinations you want, but with POWER
Continue for 1 minute
Rest (1 minute)
After round 4, complete each of the following cool down movements to complete your workout.
Cool Down (3 minutes)
Lat Stretch (12 seconds)
Stand tall and swing your arms up and down, breathing fully
Torso Twist (20 seconds)
Twist from your foot to your knee to your hip and all the way up
Be sure to twist continuously left to right
Torso Twist With Cross Punch (15 seconds)
Repeat the torso twist and on each side, throw a cross body punch
Point To The Stars (20 seconds)
Just like the torso twist, but this time, swing both of your hands up to the "stars" (ceiling) as you alternate sides
Wide-Legged Toe Touches (20 seconds)
Stand with your feet wide
Bend and twist to touch the opposite side toe with your hand
Return to stand
Repeat on the other side
Continue for 20 seconds
Hip Circles (20 seconds)
Move your legs in big circles outward
Alternate sides
Continue for 20 seconds
Arm Circles (25 seconds)
Rotate your arms in big circles forward for about 10 seconds
Switch directions and repeat, rotating your arms backward for the rest of the time
Arm Swings and Cross (20 seconds)
Swing and cross your arms over and under
Stretch (20 seconds)
Finish with a big stretch, raising your arms up behind your head, pulling at the elbow
Hold for 20 seconds
CONGRATULATIONS CHAMP you’ve completed 4 rounds of hard work in this 15-Minute At Home Boxing Workout with FightCamp Trainer Coach PJ!
What Other Exercises Can I Do At Home for Boxing?
If you can't get enough and you want to keep training like a fighter, get access to hundreds of boxing, kickboxing, strength, conditioning, recovery, and stretching workouts that will push you mentally and physically. Download the FREE FightCamp App and train with real fighters from the comfort of your own home.
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