The holidays are one of my favorite times of the year. Not only do I get to spend it with the people I love, but I get to do all of the activities I enjoy, like working out on my own time! That’s right, I said workout. Funny enough, when I have gone on trips or vacations in the past and posted a video or photo of myself working out, I would get messages from people saying “Relax, you’re on holiday.” But working out on vacation is incredibly relaxing to me. Moving my body gives me a sense of relief and happiness. It’s a lifestyle, and not something I’m willing to give up as part of my daily routine–even during the holidays!
If you think you’re one of those people who would rather skip the workouts during the holidays, here’s my guide to turning that frown upside down and making this holiday about friends, family, and doing something amazing for yourself… breaking a sweat, relieving stress, and feeling strong.
3 Tips For Working Out During The Holiday Season
1. Plan Ahead
Most of the time, if you don’t plan ahead, things won’t happen, and this couldn’t be more true during the holidays. This time of year, we are constantly making lists and planning, so why not plan your workouts while you’re at it?
A week or two before a trip I like to schedule my private training sessions with specific coaches. I also call ahead to any gym I’d like to train at to confirm their holiday hours to minimize any surprise schedule mixups. If I work out at least 3-4 times a week during the holidays, I am a happy camper. Breaking a sweat is better than no sweat. So find what works for you and your schedule, even if it doesn’t involve going to a gym. Do some bodyweight conditioning or strength work in your room or house. Moving your body in some way or another is better than not moving at all!
2. Be Flexible
On the flip side, life happens! My weekly training regimen involves at least 1-2 boxing or kickboxing sessions and 1-2 weight sessions. Of course, I prefer to train with coaches who I am familiar with, but if I’m going somewhere new, I will work out in my hotel or ask for recommendations for nearby gyms. When I do work out in my hotel room, I like to use an app, like FightCamp, or do exercises I’m familiar with. If you planned to train one day and didn't, that’s okay, don’t stress–you’re on a holiday, so just do it on a different day.
3. Give Yourself The Gift of Stress Relief
With different seasons come different challenges, and therefore, different goals. The holiday season might be stressful for some–being with family, added financial burden–so putting an emphasis on stress-relieving workouts is a great route to go. Effective workouts that don’t raise your cortisol levels such as yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, or going for a brisk walk are great options. But if you want to switch it up and de-stress by hitting something (my personal favorite), then I recommend kickboxing or boxing to turn up the heat and punch the stress away. Since it is cold in the winter, workouts that elevate your heart rate will help you stay warm and work up a sweat. Exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy! ‘Tis the season to bring cheer!
20-Minute No-Equipment Holiday Workout To Knock Out Stress
So now that you’re in the holiday spirit and ready to get moving, here’s a perfect workout to get started with–wherever you are! A quick 20-minute workout, no equipment needed, to help burn the calories away and sweat!
Perform each of the following exercises for 30 seconds, back-to-back. These movements will help loosen up your muscles and get your heart rate elevated.
Arm Circles
Squats with a Torso Twist
Jumping Jacks
Butt Kickers
Front Leg Swings
High Knees
Each exercise will be performed in the Tabata format, meaning full-speed explosive movement followed by a quick rest just to catch your breath before you go again! We want maximum effort in a short amount of time: 30 seconds on 15 seconds rest.
COAST: Jab - Cross (1 -2)
Throw jabs and crosses non-stop at a constant pace
Jump Squats
6 Mountain Climbers, 1 Push-Up (Repeat)
Squat - LFK - Squat - RFK
Jump Rope With a Skip
Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross - Sprawl (1 - 2 - 1 - 2 - Sprawl)
Reverse Lunges
BURNOUT: Jab - Cross (1 - 2)
Throw jabs and crosses non-stop at a burnout pace
Rest (1 minute)
Perform each of the following exercises for 30 seconds back-to-back without resting
Sit-Up Jab - Cross (Sit-Up 1 - 2)
Ins and Outs
Flutter Kicks
Lay on your back and place your hands underneath your butt, at your sides, or behind your head
Lift your chest and extend your legs out, pulling your belly button in
Alternate “kicking” your legs up and down in a "flutter"
Lay on your stomach and extend out your arms and legs
Simultaneously lift them into the air as if you were flying like Superman
Squeeze your glutes and keep your arms and legs extended as you hold for a few seconds
Slowly release back down and repeat until time is up
High Plank Hold
Perform each of the following stretches for 20 seconds
Cobra Pose
Child's Pose
Downward Dog
The holiday season can be a stressful time, but you don’t have to let it be. With these three (3) tips and this fun, quick 20-minute holiday workout, you’ll be ready to take on gift wrapping, Christmas caroling, and family time. Enjoy everything magical about the holidays, and sweat out any stress. The FightCamp Fam and I wish you a Very Merry Everything and a Healthy New Year!
Keep up your at-home boxing and kickboxing training this year with us! Stay up to date on any new FightCamp YouTube videos, blog articles, and the latest at-home boxing equipment to ensure you set yourself up for success on crushing those New Year fitness resolutions!