Training Like a Pro Boxer
When it comes to fight training, there is no other basic staple quite like the use of a heavy bag. Heavy bag boxing and kickboxing training can be utilized for everything from improving punching power to quickness and explosiveness, to mastering the basics of punching and moving around a target. There are hundreds of thousands of drills that can be implemented through the use of the heavy bag, so we went to the pros from some of the best of the best, available out there today.
FightCamp was fortunate enough to be able to partner with Delante “Tiger” Johnson, a former Olympian and undefeated professional boxer signed to Top Rank, to walk Rocky Harris through some of Tiger’s top three heavy bag boxing drills.
Tiger’s Top Heavy Bag Drills
Add these three drills to your heavy bag training and start fighting like a tiger!
Pro tip: Don’t forget to do a proper warm-up before performing these drills.
Drill 1: Three Minute Round(s)
Burnout Punch Combo: 1 - 2 x 30 seconds
Burpees x 30 seconds
Start the drill by performing 1, 2 punch combos as fast as you can for 30 seconds
Immediately start performing burpees for a consecutive 30 seconds
Continue this pattern for a full three minutes
Drill 2: Three Minute Round(s)
Short range power coast x 30 seconds
Box + Move x 30 seconds
Start the drill by performing power punches, focusing on a “deep sit” boxers stance, for 30 seconds
Immediately start performing various punches/slips, making sure to move around the bag after each combo thrown, for a consecutive 30 seconds
Focus on controlling your breathing
Continue this pattern for a full three minutes
Drill 3: Three Minute Round(s)
Burnout x 30 seconds
Box + Move x 30 seconds
Start the drill by performing various punch combos alternating between fast and power punching
Continue to mix up combinations for 30 seconds
Immediately start performing various punches/slips, making sure to move around the bag after each combo thrown, for a consecutive 30 seconds
Focus on controlling your breathing
Continue this pattern for a full three minutes
Pro tip: As your endurance improves, begin adding multiple rounds for each drill while performing this circuit.
Heavy Bag Skill Honing
The heavy bag is one of the best tools when it comes to fight training with its ability to improve so many different areas of a fighter's skill. These three heavy bag drills are some of Tiger Johnson's favorites and have helped shape him into the fighter that he is today.
Train Like a Fighter
Take your workouts to the next level and train like a fighter with the at-home connected fitness solution used by world champion boxers Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather. FightCamp has everything you need to work out on your schedule, with premium boxing equipment and hundreds of on-demand strength, conditioning, kickboxing, boxing, core, and recovery classes led by real fighters. As Mike Tyson said - “FightCamp is the next level of training!”