HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is one of the fastest ways to get in shape. With just a few minutes a day, you can get in a full body workout and start to see improvement in your stamina, strength, and overall fitness.
HIIT is used by athletes of all levels - from beginners to pros - and in any location - your gym, living room, hotel room, backyard or the beach. Making it the perfect no equipment necessary, travel workout.
The idea behind it is simple: cycle through high-intensity work intervals, followed by shorter recovery intervals. You engage your anaerobic metabolic system but for an extended period of time.
This HIIT workout only requires a stopwatch (or just your smartphone). You can do many of the exercises with bodyweight or add light weights for more advanced cardio training.
Here, FightCamp Trainer Aaron “Speedy” Swenson leads you through a HIIT workout: 10 intervals, each consisting of:
40 seconds of work (with the last 10-15 seconds higher intensity)
20 seconds of rest
Before any type of training, you should warm up your body and prepare it for work. Here is a warm-up routine you can use prior to a HIIT session. Dynamic stretching is also be very useful for warming up your body.
When you are ready, start the clock and begin.
HIIT Workout
High Knees
Start in a standing position
Begin jumping from one foot to the other (like you are running in place)
In the last 10 seconds, bring the knees higher and increase the intensity
Push Up + Downward Dog
Start on the ground, in a push-up position
Lower your body to the ground, breathing in
As you push back up, exhale fully
After you reach the top of your push up, press your hips up and back into downward dog
Engage your arms, core, and legs to power the movement
Hold for a couple of seconds
Return back to a push-up position
In the last 10 seconds, increase the intensity and pick up the pace
Start in a standing position with your feet together
Jump 3-5 feet to the right while swinging your hands out for momentum
Land softly on your right leg, with your left leg either slightly touching the ground behind your right leg (easier) or just above the ground (harder), while bringing your hands back to your body
Finish the movement with a shallow squat on your right leg
When you increase the intensity, make the squat deeper; you can even try to touch the toes of your right foot with your left hand
Repeat the same movement to your left
Repeat this side-to-side movement
In the last 10 seconds, increase the intensity; optional: vary the lengths of your jumps and the depths of your single-leg squats
Mountain Climbers
Start in a push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart
Draw your right knee up towards your right shoulder, then back down
Repeat with your left knee towards your left shoulder
Do 2 reps and on the third rep, hold your knee forward at your shoulder for a couple of seconds
Repeat this hold every 3 reps, alternating the side you hold
In the last 10 seconds, increase the speed
Crab Walks
Start in a seated position with your hands on the ground behind your back, fingers pointing forward or slightly inward
Bend your knees and plant your feet
Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart in front of you
Lift your pelvis off the ground pushing down into your palms and feet
Take 5 “steps” forward:
At the same time step forward with the left leg and bring the right hand forward
Then step forward with the right leg and bring the left hand forward
Repeat until you complete 5 steps forward
Take 5 steps backward (same pattern as above, but going backward)
Repeat this back-and-forth movement until the time is up
Optional: in the last 10 seconds, increase the speed of your crab walk
Reverse Lunges
Start in a standing position
Step back with your left leg while bending it at the knee
Squat down on your right leg until your left knee touches the ground (both of your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle)
Stand back up and bring your left leg back to its initial position
Repeat with the right leg
Continue alternating legs
In the last 10 seconds, you can either increase the intensity, or try Jump Switch Lunges
For a more challenging lunge you can do Jump Switch Lunges:
Start in the bottom position of a Reverse Lunge
Instead of standing back up, jump in place, switching the position of your legs
Drop back down into a squat
Up Downs
Start in a push-up position
Lower down to your left forearm followed by your right forearm
Now you are in a low plank position
Starting with your left side, raise back up into a push-up position
In the last 10 seconds, pick up the speed
Burpee + Tuck Jump
Optional: Use a piece of tape or small obstacle to jump over; put it on your right side as you begin the exercise and make sure you have several feet of space to the right.
Start in a standing position
Drop down into a push-up position
Do a push up
Return to stand
Jump a few feet to your right (if you have an obstacle, jump over it)
Try to exaggerate the movement, drawing your knees up into the air as high as you can
Drop down for a push up and repeat, jumping to the left
In the last 10 seconds, pick up the speed
Sit Up + Jab - Cross (1 - 2)
Lay on your back with your legs out straight
With your boxing guard up, fists under your cheekbones and elbows close to your body, do a sit-up
At the top of your sit-up, throw a quick jab-cross (1-2) punch combination
Return to guard and lower back down
Note: if you cannot complete a full sit-up, you can modify this exercise with a crunch
Lay on your back with your legs in the air, knees bent at 90 degrees
Lift your head and shoulders slightly off the ground and place your hands behind your head
Extend your left leg and at the same time bring your left elbow as close to your right knee as possible - that's 1 rep
Return the left leg to the starting position as you extend the right leg and rotate your torso to the other side (right elbow trying to touch the coming left knee) - that's 2 reps
On the third rep, hold the left leg extended and the left elbow close to the right knee
Repeat this hold every 3 reps, alternating the side you hold
In the last 10 seconds, try to push it to get more reps in
And that’s it! Great job!
When you are finished, make sure to recover properly and breathe deeply and slowly. Here is a cool down routine you can do to help you recover. A good indicator of your fitness level is how fast you can bring your heart rate down after your workout.
If you want to step your training up - check out FightCamp for connected boxing and kickboxing workouts. There are four-round, six-round, eight-round boxing workouts, and countless training videos on the YouTube channel. Even if you only have 10 minutes a day, you can squeeze in a workout that will work your full-body.
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