One of the tell-tale signs of a seasoned athlete is to look at their posterior chain. The posterior chain, or the musculature on the back half of the body, is often an area that far too many neglect. Athletes who excel at their sport know this and make sure to work harder on the backside. One of the best muscles to elevate your athleticism and strengthen your posterior chain is the glutes.
Strong glutes help an athlete improve their power, quickness, and strength. While most lower body exercises favor the quads and hamstrings, there is one particular movement that does a great job at isolating the glutes: the glute floor bridge. Here we break it down for you.
Glute Floor Bridges
Begin lying on the ground on your back, with your arms out at 90 degrees, and your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent at 90 degrees
Focus on squeezing your glutes and keeping them engaged throughout the entire movement
This is your starting position
Begin the movement by driving your heels into the ground
Slowly lift your rear off the ground upwards until your body is in a straight line
Pause for two seconds
Slowly lower your rear back to the ground, vertebrae by vertebrae
Continue this motion for the remainder of the set
Movement Key Points
Here are some key things to focus on while performing Glute Floor Bridges:
Start off with a flat back
Your hand should not be able to slide underneath your lower back
Keep your palms flat on the floor
This provides stability for the exercise
Feet should be shoulder-width apart
Drive through your heels while lifting
Lift your hips towards the ceiling
Make sure to keep your feet flat on the floor at the top of the hip lift movement
Squeeze your glutes throughout the entire exercise
Keep your core tight at the top of the movement
Drive through your heels to lift upward
Breathing Pattern
Breath out while raising your hips
Breath in while slowly lowering your hips
Muscles Used
For Sets
Perform 3 - 6 sets
12 - 20 repetitions
Rest for 30 - 45 seconds between sets
For Time
Perform 3 - 6 sets
Perform for 30 - 90 seconds
Rest for 45 - 60 seconds between sets
Glute Gains
Boxing is a very explosive sport. One way to ensure that you can be explosive inside and outside of the ring is to make sure that you have strong glutes. Weight training isn’t always going to be an option, so glute floor bridges are a great bodyweight exercise that you can perform to make sure your posterior chain is strong and ready to fight.
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