Resistance band leg exercises are great for strengthening your legs and glutes, making them perfect for leveling up your kickboxing training.
Resistance band exercises can target all major muscle groups while also working smaller stabilizer muscles–a bonus over the traditional dumbbell workout. The convenience and ease of use have made them especially popular for at-home workouts.
No matter what level you’re at in your kickboxing training, resistance band workouts can help maximize your kicking power.
Can you build leg muscle with resistance bands?
Yes, you can build leg muscle with resistance bands. Using resistance bands without additional weight will help you build strength and tone your muscles. You can also use resistance bands exercises as an activation workout prior to heavier weight training to maximize the efficiency of your training. Training with resistance bands is another form of strength training with its own unique benefits.
The tension created by a resistance band fires up not only your major muscles, but also many of the smaller muscle groups that are hard to target with weight training. These smaller muscles are critical for form, posture, and joint movement – one of the main reasons why resistance band training is also popular for injury rehabilitation.
Kickboxing training is all about having strong legs, making resistance band exercises a favorite for many kickboxers.
Which resistance bands should I use?
Most resistance bands are color-coded based on tension level. You’ll need varying degrees of tension for different exercises, just as you would need different weights depending on the target muscle group.
With resistance band exercises, you generally want enough tension to complete at least 10 reps of each exercise – choose a lighter band if you start to break form before completing one set. You may even want to switch bands for the same exercise to increase the challenge. In any case, it is best to have a variety of bands available.
FightCamp’s Endurance Kit features a complete set of three resistance bands to choose from (as well as a jump rope, a yoga mat, and a heart rate monitor). You’ll always have the right band for whichever muscle group you’re targeting.
Now that you’re all ready, let’s add some variety to your fitness routine with this kickboxing resistance band workout and challenge your muscles!
Kickboxing Resistance Band Workout
Resistance Band Squats (10 reps)
Target muscles: Glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings
Place a resistance band around your lower thighs
Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart
Extend your arms out in front of you for balance
Push your butt out behind you as you bend your knees to lower into a squat
Keep your back straight and your weight on your heels
Drive your knees outwards against the tension of the resistance band
In a slow and controlled motion, return to a standing position
Continue for 10 reps
Glute Kickbacks (10 reps each side)
Target muscles: Glutes, hamstrings
Loop a resistance band around your ankles
Stand with your feet hip-width apart
Keep your back straight as your kick your right leg out straight behind you
Push against the tension of the band as far as you can and hold briefly
Slowly return your leg to the starting position keeping your foot off the floor
Continue for 10 reps
Repeat with your left leg for 10 reps
Lateral Leg Lifts (10 reps each side)
Target muscles: Glutes, hamstrings
Loop a resistance band around both ankles
Stand with your feet hip-width apart
Balance on your right leg
Lift your left leg out to the side, keeping it fully extended
Push against the tension of the band by lifting your leg as far as you can
Slowly lower your left leg back to starting position without touching the ground
Complete 10 reps
Repeat with your right leg for another 10 reps
Romanian Deadlift (10 reps)
Target muscles: Glutes, hamstrings, lower back
Step onto the inside of a resistance band with the band under the balls of your feet
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent
Bending at your hips and keeping your back straight, reach down and grab the top of the resistance band with both hands
Use your glutes and hamstrings to rise back up, pulling the resistance band up towards your chest
Push your hips back as you descend forward again
Complete 10 reps
Tabletop Glute Kickbacks (10 reps each side)
Target muscles: Glutes, core
Kneel on the floor and loop a resistance band around the arches of both feet
Come into a tabletop position with both hands directly below your shoulders
Kick your right foot directly behind you as if pushing something away with your heel
Slowly bring your right leg back to a tabletop pose without resting your knee on the floor
Continue for 10 reps
Switch legs and repeat 10 more times
Fire Hydrants (10 reps each side)
Target muscles: Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus (hip abductor muscles)
Remain in a tabletop position
Place a resistance band around both legs just above the knees
Lift your right knee out laterally while keeping your back straight and hips neutral
Push against the tension of the band as you raise your right leg
Slowly return to the tabletop position without resting your knee on the floor
Continue for 10 reps
Switch to your left leg for another 10 reps
Clamshells (10 reps each side)
Muscles worked: Glutes, core, obliques
Lie on your right side with your torso supported by your right forearm
Place your left palm down on the floor in front of you for balance
Loop a resistance band around both legs just above your knees
Bend both knees at 90 degrees
Raise your left knee upwards as far as you can
Slowly lower your left knee back down towards your right
Continue for 10 reps
Switch sides and repeat with the right leg for 10 reps
Leg Press (10 reps)
Muscles worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes
Lie flat on your back
Bring both knees towards your chest
Place a resistance band around the arches of both feet
Hold onto the loop of the resistance band with both hands
Slowly press both feet straight upwards, holding the band tightly in your hands
Continue for 10 reps
The Takeaway
Resistance bands are quickly becoming one of the preferred strength training methods for many athletes, especially those who have discovered the benefits of at-home fitness. Resistance bands are lightweight, convenient, easy to use, and above all, very effective.
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