When it comes to building strong, lean, and flexible legs, kickboxing is one of the best sports and training workouts you can do. In order to effectively strike and kick with your legs, you have to first generate your power from the ground up. There’s a reason why you should never skip leg day, and today Flo is going to show you why. If you want to improve your kicking power and your leg strikes, then this is the perfect routine for you!
FightCamp Trainer Flo Master will lead you through a multi-pronged warm-up routine, three rounds of leg kicking exercises designed to develop your legs into iron wheels, and a cool-down routine to help aid in the recovery process. These exercises will help increase your range of motion and build stronger legs for power kicking. All you’ll need for this workout is a chair.
Blood Flow Warm-Up (2 minutes)
Jumping Jacks (30 seconds)
Focus on the full range of motion and breathing through your nose
Work at a pace that is comfortable for your fitness level
Advanced: Increase intensity and pace
Bodyweight Squats (30 seconds)
Focus on slow and controlled movements, making sure your thighs are parallel to the ground
As you squat, be sure your knees track over your toes
Squeeze your glutes at the top of each rep
Keep your hands up in a defensive boxing position for the entirety of the exercise
Modification: If you have bad knees or are just starting out, you can perform sumo squats where your toes are splayed outward at a 120 degree angle
High Knees (30 seconds)
Begin by effectively running in place
Be sure to drive each knee up past hip height toward your chest
Focus on keeping your hands up in a defensive boxing position for the entirety of the exercise
Modification: If you have bad knees or are just starting out, you can march in place at a slower tempo
Focus on raising your knee up past your waist
Keep your hands up in a defensive boxing position
Bodyweight Lunges (30 seconds)
Perform alternating bodyweight lunges
With each lunge, the knee of your back leg should “kiss” the ground
Make sure that your front knee does not extend over your front toe
Focus on explosively pushing off the ground as you return to stand
Keep your hands up in a defensive boxing position
Advanced: Increase intensity and pace
Rest (15 seconds)
Dynamic Warm-Up (2 minutes)
Inside Leg Swings (30 seconds)
Assume a fighting stance, with your right leg in front and left leg in the back, keeping your hands up in a defensive position
Starting with your left leg, perform an inside leg swing as if you were trying to trace a circle
If you are starting in an orthodox stance, your right leg would be in the back and make the inside circular motion
Come back to center and switch stances
Perform the opposite motion: inside leg swing with the opposite trail leg
Continue for 30 seconds
Outside Leg Swings (30 seconds)
Assume the same fighting stance as the Inside Leg Swings
Starting with your left leg, perform an outside leg swing as if you were trying to trace a circle by kicking your left leg up and over to the outside
If you are starting in an orthodox stance, your right back leg would make the circular motion
Come back to center and switch stances
Perform the opposite motion: outside leg swing with the opposite trail leg
Continue for 30 seconds
Kickbacks (30 seconds)
Stand tall with your knees slightly bent
Shift your weight onto your left foot
Kick your right leg back towards the sky while simultaneously reaching down towards the ground with both hands
Return to stand
Shift your weight onto your right foot
Perform a kickback with your left leg
Continue alternating legs for 30 seconds
Rest (1 minute)
Round 1: Front Kicks, Front Kick Pulses, Front Kick Holds
Front Kicks (Left/Right) (10 reps each)
Begin by holding onto a chair with your right hand for stability; your left hand will remain raised in a defensive position
While balancing on your right leg, raise your left knee towards your chest, slightly past hip height, to a 90 degree angle
Front kick: Shoot your left foot out forward towards an imaginary target
Hold this straight leg kick position for 2 seconds
Return your knee to a raised position
Your leg should be at a 90 degree angle
Continue front kicks for a total of 10 repetitions
Rest for 10 seconds
Switch legs and repeat for 10 reps of the right leg
Rest (15 seconds)
Front Kick Pulses (Left/Right) (30 seconds)
Begin by holding onto a chair with your right hand for stability; your left hand will remain raised in a defensive position
While balancing on your right leg, raise your left knee slightly past hip height, to a 90 degree angle
Front kick: Shoot your left foot out forward towards an imaginary target
Hold this position and pulse your straight leg up and down for 30 seconds
Return your leg to the ground
Rest for 10 seconds
Switch legs and perform right front kick, hold, and pulse for 30 seconds
As you get tired, you may find that your leg is slowly dropping; fight hard to try and keep your leg parallel to the ground, and remember to breathe throughout the movement
Rest (15 seconds)
Front Kick Holds (Left/Right) (30 seconds each side)
Begin by holding onto the chair with your right hand for stability; your left hand will remain raised in a defensive position
While balancing on your right leg, raise your left knee slightly past hip height, to a 90 degree angle
Front kick: Shoot the left foot out towards an imaginary target
Hold your left leg up and straight for 30 seconds
Return your left leg to the ground
Rest for 10 seconds
Switch legs and perform a right front kick and hold for 30 seconds
Keep breathing and try hard to keep your leg up
Rest (1 minute)
Round 2: Roundhouse Kicks, Roundhouse Kick Pulses, Roundhouse Kick Holds
Roundhouse Kicks (Left/Right) (10 reps each side)
Position the chair to the right side of your body
Hold onto the chair with your right hand for stability; your left hand will remain raised in a defensive position
While balancing on your right leg, slightly lean towards the chair
Your upper body should now be angled towards the chair at a 45 degree angle
From here, raise your left thigh up to parallel, with your knee at a 90 degree angle and your left foot trying to touch your glutes
This will be the starting position for this movement
From here, shoot your left foot out, pointing your toes towards a target in front of you
Hold your left leg up and straight for 2 seconds
Continue for a total of 10 reps
Rest for 10 seconds
Switch legs and repeat for 10 repetitions with your right leg
Rest (15 seconds)
Roundhouse Kicks Pulses (Left/Right) (30 seconds)
Position the chair to the right side of your body
Hold onto the chair with your right hand for stability; your left hand will remain raised in a defensive position
While balancing on your right leg, slightly lean towards the chair
Your upper body should now be angled towards the chair at a 45 degree angle
From here, raise your left thigh up to parallel, with your knee at a 90 degree angle and your left foot trying to touch your glutes
This will be the starting position for this movement
From here, shoot your left foot out, pointing your toes towards a target in front of you
Hold this position and pulse your straight leg up and down for 30 seconds
Return your left leg to the ground
Rest for 10 seconds
Switch legs and kick and pulse with your right leg for 30 seconds
Rest (15 seconds)
Roundhouse Kicks Holds (Left/Right) (30 seconds)
Position the chair to the right side of your body
Hold onto the chair with your right hand for stability; your left hand will remain raised in a defensive position
While balancing on your right leg, slightly lean towards the chair
Your upper body should now be angled towards the chair at a 45 degree angle
From here, raise your left thigh up to parallel, with your knee at a 90 degree angle and your left foot trying to touch your glutes
This will be the starting position for this movement
From here, shoot your left foot out, pointing your toes towards a target in front of you
Hold your left leg up and straight for 30 seconds
Return your leg to the ground
Rest for 10 seconds
Switch legs and kick and hold your right leg for 30 seconds
Keep that leg up and keep breathing, YOU GOT THIS!
Rest (1 minute)
Round 3: Side Kicks, Side Kick Pulses, Side Kick Holds
Side Kicks (Left/Right) (10 reps)
Position the chair to the right side of your body
Hold onto the chair with your right hand for stability; your left hand will remain raised in a defensive position
While balancing on your right leg, slightly lean towards the chair
Your upper body should now be angled towards the chair at a 45 degree angle
From here, raise your left knee up towards your chest, with your knee at a 90 degree angle
This will become the starting position for this movement
From here, chamber out, or shoot-out, your left foot perpendicular to your body, toes down and parallel to the floor towards a target directly to your left
Hold your left leg up and straight for 2 seconds
Return to starting position
Repeat for 10 total reps
Return your left leg to the starting position before returning your foot to the ground
Rest for 10 seconds
Switch legs and repeat for 10 repetitions with the right leg
Rest (15 seconds)
Side Kick Pulses (30 seconds)
Position the chair to the right side of your body
Hold onto the chair with your right hand for stability; your left hand will remain raised in a defensive position
While balancing on your right leg, slightly lean towards the chair
Your upper body should now be angled towards the chair at a 45 degree angle
From here, raise your left knee up towards your chest, with your knee at a 90 degree angle
This will become the starting position for this movement
From here, chamber out, or shoot-out, your left foot perpendicular to your body, toes down and parallel to the floor towards a target directly to your left
Hold this position and pulse your straight left leg up and down for 30 seconds
Return your left leg to the starting position before returning your foot to the ground
Rest for 10 seconds
Switch legs and repeat this kick and pulse for 30 seconds
Rest (15 seconds)
Side Kick Holds (30 seconds)
Position the chair to the right side of your body
Hold onto the chair with your right hand for stability; your left hand will remain raised in a defensive position
While balancing on your right leg, slightly lean towards the chair
Your upper body should now be angled towards the chair at a 45 degree angle
From here, raise your left knee up towards your chest, with your knee at a 90 degree angle
This will become the starting position for this movement
From here, chamber out, or shoot-out, your left foot perpendicular to your body, toes down and parallel to the floor towards a target directly to your left
Hold your left leg up and straight for 30 seconds
Return your left leg to the starting position before returning your foot to the ground
Rest for 10 seconds
Switch legs and kick and hold for 30 seconds
Rest (1 minute)
Shake it out
Do mini hip circles to loosen up
Cool Down
V-Sit Stretch
Sit on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you
Spread your legs apart as far as you can, forming a V-shape with your toes up towards the sky
Keeping your back straight, reach out toward your left foot and hold the stretch for 15 seconds
Focus on slowing your heart rate and breath in through your nose and out through your mouth
Return to upright
Switch legs and hold the stretch on your right side for 15 seconds
Return to upright
Walk your hands out straight in front of you and reach forward as far as your can while keeping your hands in contact with the ground
Hold the stretch for 15 seconds
Return to upright
Seated Torso Twist
Remain seated on the floor and stretch your legs out straight in front of you
Cross your right foot over your left leg, draw your right knee toward your chest, and squeeze
Turn towards your right to open up your chest
Place your right arm on the ground for stability and hold your right leg with your left arm
Hold the stretch for 15 seconds
Return to a seated sitting position
Switch legs and hold the stretch for 15 seconds
Return to starting position
Butterfly Stretch
Remain seated on the floor and bend your legs so the soles of your feet are touching each other
Draw your feet back towards your body as far as you can
Keeping your back up and straight, gently bounce your knees up in down for 10 seconds
From there, gently push down on your left knee for 5 seconds
Switch and gently push down on your right knee for 5 seconds
Bonus Challenge For Intermediate & Advanced Levels
During each round, as you move from the kick repetitions, to the pulses, to the holds, instead of resting for 10 seconds and switching legs, perform all kicks on your left leg first before switching to your right leg. You can do mini 2-second shake-outs between each kick style.
Same format as the intermediate, but without any rest at all. Go from kick repetitions, to pulses, to holds with zero rest or shake-outs, and NO putting your leg down on the ground!
There you have it, FightCamp Trainer Flo Master’s Kickboxing workout designed to do some leg torchin’, hip strengthening, and iron-leg making all at home! These exercises will help you improve your kicking strength and flexibility, not just for kickboxing but also for taekwondo and other martial arts. Try incorporating this leg day routine into your training split at least once a week--any more and you won't be walking straight the next day!
If you enjoyed these exercises and want to see what else Flo Master and the FightCamp Trainers have in store, check out our other YouTube videos, blog articles, and workouts on the App. Start your boxing and kickboxing training with FightCamp today!
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