August is officially dwindling down as we approach September, and with it brings Labor Day, which most recognize as the official start of fall. Fall can be an exciting time, as kids are back to school, fall holiday events, and of course pumpkin spice and everything nice. The cooler temperatures of fall also offer the perfect opportunity to still make the most of those outdoor workouts before winter appears.
Whether you are traveling for the holiday weekend, or you plan on a staycation, here are some top tips to help you make it a successful start to the fall season!
Labor Day Weekend Guide
Stay Active
While Labor Day might offer one last hoorah of summer, it offers an even better opportunity to start autumn off on the right foot. In order to make the most of the holiday weekend, make sure you add in some exercise. This is going to take some planning on your part but will be worth it when you have a successful time with friends or family or by yourself, AND you made sure to get some type of workout in as well. Whether that means getting up an extra 30 minutes before everyone else to get in a quick sweat session or getting others involved with a group hike, planning will help you succeed. The possibilities are endless, you just have to coordinate and execute them.
Check out this fall-themed, Labor Day Workout that you can crush at home!
Gameplan the Nutrition
Similarly to exercise, making a game plan for your nutrition is key to making it an accomplished weekend. If you are headed to a Labor Day bbq there are many ways to help you stay compliant with a healthy meal plan. Potluck-style gathering? Bring your own healthy dish. Choose better for you proteins, add a pop of color to your plate with fruits and vegetables, and eat intuitively.
Wanna spice things up this fall? Check out these top fall foods to add to your meals!
With most holidays usually comes the opportunity or tradition of indulging in a good adult libation, for some. Staying hydrated during a holiday weekend is a great way to make the most of the start of your fall season. For some reason, most of us tend to forget to hydrate with water when we are off for the holidays. A good rule of thumb is to try and at least consume half your body weight in ounces per day. This can also help make sure your body doesn't mistake itself for being hungry instead of thirsty.
How Do You Exercise in the Fall?
Now that you have a roadmap that you can use to have a successful Labor Day Weekend, here is how you can transition your summer workouts to fall.
Keep It Outdoors for an Autumn Workout
One of the best things about working out outdoors during the summer to autumn transition is that the heat and humidity start to drop. This makes exercising outside much more bearable. Sure, you may have to start to layer up with some long sleeves, but as the leaves start to change colors, you’ll have some breathtaking views while you exercise.
Jumping Rope
Choose Activity-Based Fitness
It's only a matter of time until you start to see the signs on country driving roads for apple picking, corn mazes, and the ever favorite, pumpkin patches. If you're looking for some lower impact-based fall fitness, these offer the perfect opportunity to get in plenty of steps, enjoy the company of others, and appreciate mother nature at her finest. Doing any of the listed above activities lets you enjoy the changing of the seasons, while still getting in some great additional movement.
Join a Local Fun Run
While summer has numerous opportunities for races, sometimes it is just too hot. Doing a “fun run” during the fall can be a much better option for most. There is an abundance of different race opportunities during the fall from smaller run/walk 5k’s, to color runs, to costume-based or theme-based races, right up until the ever-popular Turkey trot on Thanksgiving day, fall is the best time to sign-up for a local fun run.
Don’t Skip a Beat
Once the days start to get shorter, colder, or rainy, doing a boxing or kickboxing workout at home gives you a great structured fall workout and does not let you miss a beat in your fitness routine.
Staying Fall Fit
While the days may be starting to get a little cooler, Labor Day Weekend gives you the perfect opportunity to still enjoy the warm weather and get a head start on your fall fitness routine. By utilizing the above guide and fall fitness tips, you can make the most of the seasonal transition and your autumn workouts!
Train Like a Fighter
Stay active in the fall and take your workouts to the next level by training like a fighter with the at-home connected fitness solution used by world champion boxers Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather. FightCamp has everything you need to work out on your schedule, with premium boxing equipment and hundreds of on-demand strength, conditioning, kickboxing, boxing, core, and recovery classes led by real fighters. As Mike Tyson said - “FightCamp is the next level of training!”