FightCamp Trainers know the power of creating your own unique pre- and post-workout rituals.
Getting in the right headspace can make for a better workout. Having your own unique routine can improve your focus, maximize your effort, and give you a more satisfying workout. It’s a way to get you ‘in the zone’ before your boxing or kickboxing session and kickstart your recovery afterward.
Many of the trainers consider their pre- and post-workout meals as a critical part of their routines. Warm-up and recovery are also key components, and even the time spent securing their hand wraps. It doesn’t take much to create a before and after workout ritual that sets the right tone. Doing these preparatory steps with intention can mean a more focused, successful sweat sesh on the heavy bag.
Jess Evans: Coffee & Jazz
Pre-Workout Ritual
For Jess Evans, her pre-workout routine always starts with a coffee. Then it’s time for Sheryl Porter’s voice warm-ups to prepare proper articulation for guiding the session.
Jess opts for jazz or vintage music while she does her makeup before moving on to prep her body for the workout. She does myofascial release with a Hyperice massage gun, as well as dynamic stretching, and banded warm-ups.
Finally, Jess reviews her intro and shout-outs before it’s time to jump on set.
Post-Workout Ritual
After filming, Jess stretches and refuels with a protein shake. Recovery includes a compression sleeve for her legs and of course, a post-workout meal.
Shanie “Smash” Rusth: Jump, Clap, & Quiet Time
Pre-Workout Ritual
Shanie “Smash” says that it takes a full hour to prepare for filming a class, no matter how long the class is. Like Jess, she also caffeinates beforehand and usually has a banana one hour before go-time. She does her makeup and hair before writing her shoutout, and any bullet points or quotes on a board.
To prep her muscles, Shanie does self-myofascial release through foam rolling and percussion therapy using the Hypervolt Hyperice massage gun, followed by a dynamic warm-up, and shoulder and glute activation using bands. Then it’s time to wrap her hands, put on the mic, and review her class. Shanie will shadowbox each combination and practice her intro.
After warming up her voice, she jumps up and down a few times to shake it out, claps her gloves together, and it’s show time.
Post-Workout Ritual
Post-workout cooldown and a protein shake come first for Shanie, too. Then she wipes off her makeup and applies CBD muscle rub and sometimes ice to her aches and pains.
Shanie prefers some quiet contemplation after filming and avoids interaction for at least 20 minutes. Then it’s time to shower and eat. On leg-heavy days, she’ll use Normatec compression boots for 30 minutes.
Coach PJ: Old School Funk & an Attitude of Gratitude
Pre-Workout Ritual
Coach PJ’s pre-workout ritual starts with a healthy, light meal paired with proper hydration 60-90 minutes before arriving at the studio.
At the studio, he grabs his workout gear, loads up his programming, and grabs any extra equipment he might need for the shoot. His vocal warm-up includes some singing to prep his vocal cords. He says he always tries to set the atmosphere and change things up in the studio – usually, some good house music or old school funk and hip-hop do the job.
Every workout includes 5-15 minutes of a dynamic warm-up, which can include active movements from the upcoming workout, mobility, foam rolling, breath work, and shadowboxing. Coach PJ always tries to prepare for the workout as much as possible. He goes through his notes, the programming, and does a mic check as he gets his shoes laced up and his hand wraps on.
When it’s time to film, Coach PJ says a prayer and gets his mind to a balanced place for leading others into greatness each and every workout.
Post-Workout Ritual
After class, Coach PJ devotes around 5 minutes to cooldown, breathe, and take a moment of gratitude. Post-workout stretching is next, then breath work. He usually ends with a few minutes of Theragun or Hyperice massage gun. A cold shower is usually necessary too – then it’s time to refuel and rehydrate.
Body, Mind, & Workout
Having your own before & after rituals, no matter how simple, can set the tone for your boxing or kickboxing workouts. Filming a FightCamp workout is intense both physically and mentally, and the pros do everything with intention so they can bring their all to every workout. FightCamp Trainers know to prepare body and mind for the task at hand and you can too for your workouts at home.
A pre- or post-workout ritual doesn’t haven’t to be complicated. Practice being mindful when you have your pre-workout meal or set intentions in your mind as you wrap your hands. Clear your head during your dynamic warm-up and control your breathing throughout your cooldown.
One of the best things about exercise is being in the moment, and you can train yourself to maintain that mindset leading up to and after you’ve crushed your workout.
Train Like a Fighter
Take your workouts to the next level and train like a fighter with the at-home connected fitness solution used by world champion boxers Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather. FightCamp has everything you need to work out on your schedule, with premium boxing equipment and hundreds of on-demand strength, conditioning, kickboxing, boxing, core, and recovery classes led by real fighters. As Mike Tyson said - “FightCamp is the next level of training!”